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Phonetics Laboratory

Associate Professor of Phonetics
Fellow of Selwyn College
Areas of Interest: 
Speaker characteristics, forensic phonetics, phonetic realisation of varieties of English
Professor of Phonetics and Phonology
Co-Director of the Language Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Centre
Fellow of Jesus College
Areas of Interest: 
Experimental phonetics and phonology, prosody, first and second language acquisition, cognitive and neural processing of speech
Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow
Areas of Interest: 
Phonetic theory, sound change and language evolution, speaker characteristics, machine learning, computational phonetics, pitch accent systems, language acquisition, language technology
Emeritus Professor of Phonetics
Areas of Interest: 
Theoretical, auditory, and experimental phonetics; prosody; speaker characteristics; forensic phonetics; connected speech processes.
Research Assistant
PhD Student
01223 760389
Areas of Interest: 
Voice distinctiveness, voice quality, accent judgements and prejudice, forensic phonetics, voice parade procedures, sociophonetic variation, speech disfluencies
Professor of Phonology and Morphology
Areas of Interest: 
Phonology, dialectology, historical linguistics, Armenian, Abkhaz, Indo-European, Turkic, and Mongolic languages